
How do you hit a "flop and check" shot in golf?

Perplexed by the intricacies of hitting a “flop and check” shot in golf? Well, fear not, because I am here to demystify this challenging technique for you. When facing a tight lie and needing to get the ball to stop quickly on the green, mastering the “flop and check” shot can be a game-changer. It requires precision, control, and confidence to execute, but once you’ve got it down, it can save you strokes and leave your opponents in awe. In this post, I’ll walk you through the essential steps to pull off this advanced golf shot with finesse and precision.

Fundamentals of Golf Shots

Before I dive into the specifics of how to execute a “flop and check” shot in golf, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of golf shots. Developing a strong foundation for your golf game will not only improve your overall performance but also make it easier to learn and execute more advanced shots.

The Golf Swing Mechanics

When it comes to hitting any kind of golf shot, including the “flop and check,” having proper swing mechanics is crucial. This involves the correct grip, stance, alignment, and posture. Developing a smooth and consistent swing that allows you to make solid contact with the ball is essential for executing more advanced shots. This requires practice and potentially working with a golf instructor to fine-tune your technique.

Factors Affecting Shot Selection

When deciding on the type of shot to play, there are several factors that come into play. Some of the key factors to consider as you evaluate your options include the lie of the ball, the distance to the target, the wind conditions, and any hazards or obstacles in your path.

Your skill level and confidence with certain shots should also be taken into account when making shot selections. Recognizing which shots play to your strengths and which shots need improvement can help you make smarter decisions on the course. It’s important to assess these factors before stepping up to the ball to ensure you have a clear plan in mind for the shot you’re about to hit.

Executing the “Flop Shot”

While the flop shot can be a challenging and risky maneuver, when executed correctly, it can be a game-changer on the golf course. This shot is typically used when you need to get the ball up quickly and land it softly on the green, especially when faced with a hazard or obstacle. The flop shot requires finesse and precision, and it is a valuable skill to have in your arsenal.

Proper Stance and Posture

When setting up for a flop shot, it is crucial to have the correct stance and posture. Positioning your body and feet open to the target will allow you to swing along the target line, which is essential for executing the high, soft shot required for a successful flop. Your weight should be shifted slightly forward onto your front foot, and your stance should be wider than usual to provide stability and control. Additionally, maintaining a straight posture with a slight forward tilt at the hips will help you make solid contact with the ball.

Swing Technique and Club Selection

The swing technique for a flop shot is notably different from a regular full swing. The key is to maintain a smooth and accelerated rhythm while using your wrists to hinge and unhinge the club. This action allows you to generate the necessary height and loft to get the ball to stop quickly upon landing.

As for club selection, using a lob wedge or a sand wedge with a high degree of loft is recommended for a flop shot. These clubs provide the loft needed to get the ball in the air and control the distance it will travel, making them ideal for this type of shot.

Mastering the flop shot requires practice and patience, but once you have honed this skill, it can greatly improve your short game and give you confidence when faced with challenging situations on the course. Remember, maintaining a proper stance, posture, and utilizing the correct club and swing technique are crucial for successfully executing a flop shot.

Mastering the “Check” After the Flop

Now that you understand the basics of hitting a “flop and check” shot in golf, it’s time to delve deeper into mastering the “check” aspect of the shot. This crucial skill can make the difference between a successful shot that lands softly on the green and a shot that rolls past the hole, leaving you with a difficult putt.

Controlling Spin and Trajectory

When it comes to hitting a successful “check” shot, controlling spin and trajectory is key. To achieve the backspin necessary for the ball to stop quickly upon landing, I recommend using a lofted club such as a sand wedge or lob wedge. As you swing, focus on accelerating through the ball and making clean contact.

At the same time, be mindful of your wrist position at impact, as a slight forward press can help generate the necessary spin. Additionally, adjusting the trajectory of your shot by opening the clubface slightly can also aid in creating the desired backspin. Mastering the relationship between spin and trajectory is crucial for consistently hitting effective “check” shots.

Landing the Ball with Precision

Another essential aspect of the “check” shot is landing the ball with precision. This means choosing the right landing spot on the green and executing your shot with accuracy. I recommend visualizing the trajectory and landing spot before your shot, and then committing to your plan with confidence.

As you approach the shot, focus on maintaining a smooth, controlled swing and striking the ball cleanly. Landing the ball with precision not only helps achieve the desired backspin, but it also sets you up for a successful putt, giving you the best chance for a favorable outcome on the hole. Remember, precision is key when it comes to hitting effective “check” shots in golf.

Practice Drills and Tips

To improve your flop shot in golf, it is important to dedicate time to practice drills and implement tips that will help you gain consistency and control over your shots. Here are some drills and tips that I find helpful in my own practice routine:

  • Work on ball position to ensure proper contact with the ball
  • Practice trajectory control to master the height and distance of your flop shots
  • Focus on weight transfer to generate power and accuracy in your shots

These practice drills and tips are essential for honing your flop shot skills and perfecting your technique. Through consistent practice and mindful implementation of these tips, you can significantly improve your performance on the golf course.

Drills to Enhance Your Flop Shot Performance

One effective drill to enhance your flop shot performance is to practice landing zones. Set up targets at different distances and heights, and focus on landing the ball within those areas with your flop shots. This will help you develop the precision and control needed to execute successful flop shots in various situations on the course.

Tips for Consistency and Control

When it comes to achieving consistency and control in your flop shots, I recommend paying attention to your grip pressure and swing tempo. Adjusting your grip pressure can provide better feel and control, while maintaining a smooth and steady swing tempo is crucial for consistent ball striking. Knowing how to manage these aspects of your technique will greatly enhance your performance and overall confidence in executing successful flop shots.


Hence, understanding how to execute a “flop and check” shot in golf is crucial for a well-rounded short game. By opening up the clubface and placing the ball slightly forward in your stance, you can generate the necessary height and spin to execute this shot successfully. Remember to maintain a smooth and controlled swing, and practice regularly to develop a feel for the necessary touch and finesse. With dedication and practice, you can master this challenging shot and elevate your overall golf game.

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