
How do you hit a "high fade" shot in golf?

Indubitably, hitting a “high fade” shot in golf requires precision and skill. When faced with a difficult lie or a tight fairway, mastering this shot can be a game-changer in your performance. To execute a high fade, position the ball forward in your stance, open your clubface slightly, and swing along your body line with a slightly out-to-in swing path.

This will promote a high trajectory and gentle left-to-right ball flight, allowing you to safely maneuver around obstacles and onto the green with ease. Remember to practice this shot under different conditions to confidently incorporate it into your golf game.

The Fundamentals of the High Fade

By understanding the fundamentals of the high fade, you can gain better control over your golf game and improve your overall performance on the course. The high fade is a shot that starts left of your target and curves back to the right, achieving a higher trajectory compared to a standard fade. Mastering this shot requires a solid understanding of the basic principles and mechanics involved.

Golf Swing Mechanics for a High Fade

When it comes to executing a high fade, the key lies in your swing mechanics. To achieve this shot, I recommend focusing on an open stance, a slightly open clubface, and an outside-in swing path. Start by aligning your body to the left of your target, and then open the clubface slightly to encourage the ball to start left. As you swing, make sure to bring the club from outside the target line to inside the line to produce the desired fade spin. It’s crucial to maintain a smooth, controlled swing to ensure that the ball follows the intended trajectory.

The Role of Golf Equipment in a High Fade Shot

Having the right equipment can significantly influence your ability to hit a high fade shot. When attempting this shot, I recommend using a longer and more flexible driver shaft to help promote a higher launch angle. Additionally, using a golf ball with a softer cover can enhance the spin needed to achieve the desired fade. It’s also important to pay attention to your club selection – a club with more loft can help achieve the higher trajectory needed for a successful high fade. Ultimately, utilizing the appropriate equipment can greatly impact the outcome of your shot.

Step-by-Step Instruction

While hitting a high fade shot in golf, it is important to focus on the setup and execution of the shot. Below, I have broken down the process into simple steps to help you achieve the desired outcome.

Addressing the Ball for a High Fade

When addressing the ball for a high fade, position the ball slightly forward in your stance, closer to your front foot. This will help you achieve the necessary angle for the desired trajectory. Additionally, open your stance and clubface slightly to the target line. This will help promote the left to right spin needed for a high fade shot.

The Backswing and Downswing for a High Fade

During the backswing and downswing for a high fade, focus on creating a steeper angle on the backswing and avoid taking the club too far inside. This will facilitate an outside-in swing path, which is essential for producing the fade spin. On the downswing, maintain a firm left side and keep your head behind the ball to promote the desired trajectory and spin.

Advanced Techniques and Considerations

To perfect the high fade shot, there are advanced techniques and considerations that can help take your game to the next level. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Ball Position: To achieve a high fade, I adjust my ball position slightly forward in my stance. This helps promote a higher launch angle and imparts more sidespin on the ball, causing it to fade.
  2. Clubface Alignment: When setting up for a high fade, I open the clubface slightly at address. This promotes the left-to-right spin necessary for the fade shot.
  3. Swing Path: I focus on an outside-to-inside swing path to produce the desired left-to-right ball flight. This path, combined with an open clubface, helps create the spin needed for a high fade.

Adjusting for Wind and Course Conditions

When facing windy conditions or challenging course layouts, I make specific adjustments to execute the high fade shot successfully. I consider the wind direction, speed, and the layout of the course to make informed decisions on club selection, ball flight, and shot placement. I aim to adjust for the wind by shaping my high fade to work with the elements, rather than against them, allowing me to navigate the course with confidence.

Practice Drills for Perfecting the High Fade Shot

Perfecting the high fade shot requires dedicated practice and commitment. I recommend focusing on specific drills that help develop the necessary skills and consistency to execute the shot effectively. By incorporating drills that emphasize ball position, clubface alignment, and swing path, you can refine your high fade technique and build confidence in your ability to execute the shot under pressure. Consistent practice and a structured training regimen are essential for mastering the high fade and elevating your overall golf game to new heights.


With this in mind, mastering the high fade shot in golf requires a combination of precise alignment, open clubface, and a shallow, out-to-in swing path. By adjusting your grip, stance, and swing, you can effectively control the trajectory and direction of your shot, allowing you to navigate tricky obstacles and put yourself in a favorable position on the course. Practice and patience are key to developing this skill, but with dedication and focus, you can confidently execute a high fade shot when needed.

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